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7 Ways To Increase Salesforce User Adoption

Since it was launched in the market more than two decades ago, Salesforce has emerged as a leading player in the realm of business CRM software. It has been helping businesses in collecting and maintaining their valuable customer database.

Salesforce performs an array of functions that helps your business make sense of its valuable customer data and makes suitable analysis of the same by taking your team’s performance into consideration. The core belief of Salesforce is to make sure you provide personalised services to your customers by making extensive use of Salesforce Sales Cloud. It helps you tailor your services according to the needs and preferences of your customers and approach them with the best and most effective communication channel.

Though Salesforce is highly beneficial for your organisation and ensures sufficient ease of work, your team may find it a little difficult in getting thoroughly used to all the features of the software. It is therefore important to undertake extensive user adoption for your sales team.

User adoption is nothing but a set of practices dedicated to ensure the fact that all your team members are able to make the best possible use of the concerned software. In this situation, a successful user adoption will bring every single member of your sales team on the Salesforce platform and would make sure that every member is well-versed with all the features offered by Salesforce.

Here are some of the most important ways in which you can increase Salesforce User Adoption in your business organisation:

Undertaking Practical Training

When it comes to adopting a software platform as varied and complicated as Salesforce, simply getting theoretical knowledge is never enough. You need to make sure your team gets a thorough hands-on training for using Salesforce in the most efficient manner. When you are undertaking this training, make sure all the important features, components and tools are covered by the trainers. Also, make sure to get the best professional developers and operators to teach your personnel how to use the platform.

Undertake Training In Teams

It is always advisable to undertake Salesforce training in teams as compared to training individual employees to improve Salesforce User Adoption. This is especially productive if the trainees are unfamiliar with the practice being taught. Group training establishes a productive environment and allows free-flow of thought and questions. If two employees have similar questions regarding any of the features being taught, it can be solved in a single go. Group training also allows your employees to learn visually by seeing their peers perform certain tasks on Salesforce. However, while group training is an effective way of increasing user adoption, make sure the team size is limited (3-4 employees), as a larger group is likely to create chaos and mess up the adoption.

Undertake Live Training

No matter how professional and able the trainer is, there is no substitute to live training. When it comes to Salesforce, it is always advisable to make your employees undergo training in which the lessons they learn can be implemented live on their respective systems. This would help them understand the real-time implications of the activities they perform on the platform and would also make them familiar with the use of certain important tools pertaining to Salesforce. This is as good as them working regularly with a trainer present to supervise their work. This would help develop a bond with the software being taught and would help them in making the best use of the same.

Undertake Training By Creating Scenarios

While it is helpful to guide your employees through the uses of the platform, it is not advisable to give them every single detail about every single activity to be performed on the software. This would limit their creativity and sense of objectivity. Instead, give them a problem and inform them about the key tools to be used in solving the same. Give them a scenario and let them figure a way to solve it themselves. This would not only give the trainers an idea as to how the employees are getting a hang of Salesforce, but would also help the concerned employee to understand how the system works and what they will be expected to do in relevant scenarios.

Focus On The Key Aspects

Though every aspect of Salesforce is important for an employee to understand in order to function effectively, every function need not be overtly taught to all the employees. Trainers need to ascertain certain important aspects to be taught to the employees and focus only on these aspects while training them. This would help your team in getting a better and specific training on the important matters and would also help the training get completed sooner, saving you enough time for productive implementation.

Give Enough Breaks To Trainees

No matter how well you tech your employees, they will not be able to understand the concepts properly if they are not given enough breaks and refreshments in between. Therefore, avoid extensive and exhausting training sessions. Give them sufficient breaks in between so that they can rewind and prepare themselves for the nest session. Make sure you don’t cram too much information into the heads of your personnel at once. This is why you need to time Salesforce User Adoption well.

Make sure you have enough time for implementing the software and start with the real work before you start the adoption process. Also, a healthy way to undergo adoption is taking certain tests and evaluations in between sessions, which would not only give them a break but would also help you test their knowledge.

Take Periodic Feedback

It is important to understand that training is never a one-way process. While you are getting your personnel trained for user adoption, you should also take their feedback on a periodic basis. Gather questions and confusions your team might be facing, preferably immediately or after certain specific intervals to know how well they have taken to user adoption, taking preventive measures if necessary.

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