
Salesforce Education Cloud


Salesforce Education Services

Develop 360-degree views of the student lifecycles and unify the campus with Salesforce Education cloud services. The scope of Salesforce goes beyond business enterprises. Just like it helps business organizations manage their customer database and keep a track of the entire buying journey of the customers, the CRM platform can also be used by educational institutions to have a 360-degree view of the campus and build connected student experiences. Managing an educational institution has gone through a massive transformation over time.

Universities are dealing with global student demographics. There is a constant shift in workforce skills. The management often faces a retention crisis CRM Education Above all, just like customer demands, the demands of students are getting more specific with an increasing need for a personalized experience.

Our Salesforce experts at Techila Global Services help you implement Salesforce Education Cloud within your institution and keep a track of the student lifecycles in a seamless way.

Before getting into our Salesforce education services, let us briefly understand what Salesforce Education Cloud is CRM Education.


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What Is Salesforce Education Cloud?

Salesforce Education Cloud is a higher CRM education that helps educational institution streamline their process, right from admissions to student management. Just like sales reps use the CRM platform to track the specific needs of a prospect to providing after- Salesforce sales cloud services, Education Cloud Services provides you with a 360-degree view of the entire student lifecycle – from being a prospect to being an alumnus.

The platform allows you to integrate data across student information platforms, learning management systems, financial aids, and other relevant sources to build connected experiences for students and constituents. This integrated data can then be used by the management for an array of purposes, such as recruiting the right students, making smarter admission decisions, personalizing the support provided to every student, and establishing a healthy relationship with the alumni.


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Our Offerings


Recruiting And Admissions

Spread the right awareness about your institution, reach out to the most suitable prospects and get them on board with our Salesforce higher ed services. We help you use the platform’s CRM Education functionalities to create brand awareness, develop personalized marketing campaigns, and gain a thorough insight into the entire recruitment process from scratch.

With the Education Cloud salesforce services, you can add qualified prospects to your pipeline and focus on the most suitable applications by keeping a track of their journeys and scoring the prospect profiles.

We help you overcome recruiting and admission issues such as:

  • Increasing admission-to-enrolment yield and operational efficiency of the process
  • Increasing the quality of applications received to recruit the best-fit students
  • Anticipating the likelihood of enrolment
  • Handling admission inquiries in a streamlined manner
  • Providing high-quality and personalized applicant experience

Student Success

When you use Salesforce for higher education for student success, you can obtain a 360-degree view of the journey of every student enrolled within your institution. The platform is developed to ensure the overall development of the students and provide them with personalized attention whenever they are in need. Our services help you understand what works best for your students, the improvements to be made for higher student retention, identifying at-risk students, and being able to help them before they land up in trouble.
Our Salesforce education services provide you with a centralized tool for all students-facing staff and students themselves for efficient case management, creating student communities, improving social engagement, and carrying out important analytics.


Student Advising

Throughout their journey within an educational institution, students across the board need advisory support for a variety of purposes – be it academic, career, or tutoring support. Our Salesforce education services help you connect your students to the right advisors and ensure that they obtain quick and personalized support.
Our Salesforce for higher education services is designed to provide seamless student support by aligning both students and advisors around a common framework and dataset. This will allow the advisors to understand the specific needs of the students, track their interactions, and obtain strategic insights for the best results.

Some of the key features of student advising include:

  •  Multi-channel communication with students
  •  Unified advising record for every student
  •  Mass actions
  •  Streamlined case management
  •  Early warning or alerts
  •  Creating and managing advising events
  •  Scheduling appointments with appointment reminders
  •  Tracking communication journeys
  •  Creating advising notes
  •  Creating and managing student communities
  •  Predictive analytics to surface student data
  •  Personalized 1:1 student journey
  •  Real-time data and automated workflows
  •  Live chat

Student Engagement

Student engagement often goes beyond academics. From the moment they step into the campus until they leave, there is a range of factors that determine their motivation and drive to stay in an educational institution. We help you ensure that all your students are thoroughly engaged by allowing all your departments to deliver personalized engagement while sharing common assets across the campus.

Salesforce Education allows every student to access all relevant sources they need whenever they need them. Our services are designed to help you streamline student engagement on campus, at home, and on your phone!


The key features of streamlines student engagement include:

  •  Personalized communication and student outreach
  •  Leveraging the power of the university community to help students form fruitful connections and obtain the answers they need
  •  Personalized email/drip campaigns
  •  Segmentation of at-risk student groups
  •  Tracking dynamic email journeys and nurturing email campaigns
  •  Use of email marketing tools (performance and deliverability report, email builder, templates, A/B testing, etc.)
  •  Smart applications to provide real-time analytics to everyone on campus

One-stop Services

Our Salesforce experts make sure that the struggle of your students is limited to learning new concepts within the classrooms! CRM Education The Salesforce Education Cloud allows you to provide your students with seamless one-stop services for tracking all student interactions, moving cases within the campus, and providing integrated support to every student on a single unified platform. The integrated platform brings together all necessary services from across the campus for allowing the students to interact with the support staff, the IT department, the Admin department, and other relevant authorities without having to make repeated visits to the office. Our services are aimed at helping you increase student satisfaction scores by providing them with the utmost ease of operation

Some of the key features of the one-stop services include:

  • One-stop shop, cases, inquiries, forms, and walk-ins
  • Integrated management of the university experience
  • Seamless viewing of open cases and asking questions
  • Streamline case management
  • Self-service portal for constituents
  • Automated knowledge management
  • Providing valuable insights from an array of enterprise data sources
  • Live agent and SOS for remote student engagement

Salesforce For Advancement

Our Salesforce education services include the provision for seamless advancement to help you build robust alumni relationships, increase your fundraising capacity, CRM Education obtain key insights for donor strategies. We help your donors make well-informed decisions by providing them with real-time metrics that can be added to the fundraising pipeline.

Salesforce for advancement helps your alumni relations team to gain visibility into alumni interactions, keep track of the same, and create personalized and scalable alumni journeys. This helps you engage with your alumni better and increase the number of active alumni participating in activities that matter.


Some of the key features of Salesforce for advancement include:

  • Building personalized alumni communities
  • Nurturing prospects and cultivating valuable donors
  • Seamless alumni engagement via marketing automation and social networking
  • Segmentation, Omni-channel communication, and A/B testing for personalized email campaigns
  • Constituent relationship management
  • Pipeline visibility
  • Donor history
  • Seamless mobile customization
  • Productivity tools (for gift officers)

Building Powerful Salesforce Applications

You can perform all the processes discussed above and many more by developing personalized Salesforce applications from Salesforce AppExchange. Education Cloud Services We help you customize the applications to suit the specific needs of your institution and the specific goals you want to achieve. Whether you want the management to handle campus visits, conduct orientations, manage events, provide an e-learning platform, develop an online collaborative platform, integrate relevant student data, create mobile customizations of desktop applications,or provide seamless support to the students, our experts help you develop and deploy Salesforce apps tailored according to your needs Education Cloud Services.

Our Salesforce education services intend to help you and your students to work on an automated and integrated platform for handling a myriad of processes relevant to your campus. By implementing Salesforce Education Cloud, we utilize the advanced CRM functionality in building connected campus experiences and helping your students have the time of their lives!


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We connect you with our experts who try to understand your business requirements and challenges that you are facing with your current implementation by asking relevant questions



We provide the best solution to your complex business challenges by considering what is right for the business and its customers instead of what we think is right. This is a real definition of digital transformation for us.



We believe in working together rather than for anyone because we all know together we always achieve more. Hence we act as your partners who are responsible for making you and your business successful with the implementation.



We strive for continuous improvement instead of perfection. Hence we listen to your feedback and according to that, we focus on making improvements continuously within each milestone, sprint, and release.
