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Survey Monkey Connection with Salesforce using Zapier

Use case :

Need to collect the survey response into salesforce if a survey is created from surveymonkey and publilshed during a conference.


We can collect all the response which we gets in survey monkey and pass the same to salesforce without any coding with the help of Zapier. Below are the steps to do the same.

Create/Design a survey.

NOTE : Add fields with respect to fields on salesforce lead as this data will be mapped to Lead Object.

Zapier –

  1. Step 1 – Login to Zapier and create a new Zap.
  2. Step 2 – Select App Event as Survey Monkey
  3. Step 3 – Select Notification with answers option
  4. Step 4 – Choose a Survey Monkey Account
  5. Step 5 – Set up a trigger – Select survey and collector on next two steps and select Continue.
  6. Step 6 – Test Trigger and Continue to Action part.
  7. Step 7 – Action – Select Salesforce
  8. Step 8 – Select Action Event – Create Lead and Continue
  9. Step 9 – Login to SalesForce Account
  10. Step 10 – On Set up Action – Map the fields

  11. Step 11 – Test Action And Then turn on Zap

Note:Add these default fields

  1. Record Type – Federal
  2. Lead Source – {{Webinar Source}} eg- SOFA / CJC
  3. Survey – Survey Id
  4. Response – Response id

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